The Unbelieving
2 W, 5 M.
A documentary-style play based on interviews with non-believing clergy, conducted for a study by Linda LaScola and Daniel C. Dennett. The clergy were interviewed with the goal of understanding the impact of the deep conflict of no longer believing while still “on the job.” The play paints a portrait of mental anguish for those stuck between the world of believer and non.
In Ways Both Frivolous and Deep
1 W, 1 M (& 3W, 2M recorded voices)
Needing a time-out from her life, Millicent sublets the grunge-filled apartment of a roadie named Sparky. His home provides just the escape she needs: an opportunity to clean and snoop. A comedic drama about two strangers who find unexpected common ground and a way to help each other face the unface-able.
Workshops: Primary Stages ESPA Drills reading series at 59 E. 59th St., featuring Jessica Hecht and Walker Hare. Current finalist for Ashland New Play Festival. Semi-finalist O'Neill Playwrights Festival.
100 Degrees Celsius
1 W, 2M
Regina, the daughter or a neuroscientist, Alan, has a theory: Science and religion are similar panaceas that offer their believers a set of rules to live by. But on her way to prove it, she learns her father has a life-threatening brain tumor and stumbles into a love affair with one of her subjects, Carlos, a priest. Forced to navigate life-changing decisions, this trio of know-it-alls grapple with whether any beliefs really help you with grey matters.
Workshops: Producer Jamie Kershaw, NYC (with Larry Bryggman, Vivienne Benesch, Joel de la Fuente); LAByrinth Theater Co. Punch the Clock reading series. Semi-finalist O'Neill Playwrights Festival
Tiffany's Shower
5W, 2M
Tiffany Tyler believed marriage was a patriarchal construct until she met Ron Wright. Now she’s getting married, on her terms. Her commitment is put to the test at her shower when the penis cake is too sweet, the stripper too short and it turns our Mr. Wright is actually a CIA spy.
Workshops: LAByrinth Theater Summer Intensive, LAByrinth Punch the Clock Reading Workshop.
So Close
4 W, 2M
Showcase production at Walkerspace in NYC produced by Rising Phoenix Rep. Directed by Michael Sexton. Featuring John Ellison Conlee, Marin Gazzaniga, Julia Gibson, Perri Gaffney, Christine McMurdo-Wallace and Daniel Stewart.
"Marin Gazzaniga's deft dissection of domestic abuse transforms the way you view 'issue drama.'" David Cote, Time Out NY